Christmas Gold

‘Twas the quarter before Christmas
And in the conference room,
Sat a group of worried businessman
Saying Christmas is coming soon.
With blank looks on their faces
They scratched their heads and said,
“We need to do something quickly,
Or our profit margin’s dead.
Our factories still sit stagnant
No one wants to buy
All the crap we’re trying to sell them
Think everyone.  Let’s try, 
To solve this looming danger
Our mortgages are due
Snap, snap! Think! think!
Before the holidays are through!”

They sat and sat, for hours
Brainstorming what to do
When suddenly, one lifted brow
And raised index finger too,
Tapped a chin so lightly, 
Thoughts whirling in his brain, and
Like an avalanche off a mountain
The brilliant idea - it came!
“I got it!  I got it!” the man exclaimed
As he stood up on his chair,
“Listen! Listen! Listen to this!
It’ll fill your hearts with cheer.

It’s really quite so simple,
A brilliant plan.  You'll see!  
Here's the best proposal 
I’ll explain it easily.
We’ll create a graven image 
A demigod he'll be,   
Requiring guilty worship
Of everyone.

Let’s see…

Let's make him sort of manlike,
Full of laughter, whim and glee,
But also with the power of god
With magic eyes that see. 
Every action good or bad 
Of every boy and girl,
He'll have the power to control
The whole entire world!    

A King, or boss, a C-O-O 
Of a whimsical factory,
That sits so shiny, gleaming bright
In a perpetual land of snow
With workers… No! Magical elves
How about the North Pole!
He’s berth, round, very plump,
He’ll be loved and adored!
He’s the reason that we shop
And fill our many stores.
Goodies, gifts, and trinkets,
All of it they’ll need,
It’s brilliant! Genius! Foolproof!
A grand idea, you see!

We create a magical story,
Their stockings he will fill.
If they just believe he’s coming,
Fill them up he will!
He’ll be so fat and jolly
Like us - a bearded old elf.
And all of us, well… we’ll laugh
We’ll laugh in spite of self.   
He’ll be our children's hero,
Saint will start his name
It’s moral, quaint, and sacred
It’s really just the same.  For,
The wise men brought gifts to Jesus,
To the Christ child, can't you see!
Why then shouldn’t Santa Claus
Bring to you and me!

If Santa Claus forgets their child,
Oh, what guilt they'll feel!
They'll crack from all the pressure,
They will buy, they will!
It’s a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant plan,
We made a god!  Behold!  
Our go-to guy, our saving grace
Our Christmas gift of gold!  

"Brilliant! Brilliant!" cried the room,
Of savvy businessmen,
"It’s Christmas gold!" (applause) "Well done!
Thank you all!  Amen!"
“Well done, well done, well done my boy!”
They said as they left the room.
“Let’s get started, there's not much time
For all the work to do
Go tell, go tell, go tell them all
Santa’s coming soon!”    

Inside their plush and fancy cars,
They drove out of sight, cheering
“A merry Christmas to all!   
It’s going to be all right!"
We’ll make our profit easily
By preying on each child,
To praise our commercial demigod,
Who’ll make their faces smile.
Our profit margins will fly up,
Our stock will hit the roof,
Oh, thank you, thank you,
Santa Claus, we’ll owe it all to you!"